If you are already an active Capacity Link carrier, you will be able to set up Capacity Link with your Network Shippers in the Carrier Portal. Below is the how to guide to begin auto-rating your Network Shippers freight.
On the home page of the Carrier Portal, click NETWORK SHIPPERS on the left hand side of the screen.
You will see your Network Shippers listed in a table. Click the three dots on the right hand side of the table that corresponds with the shipper you would like to set up with.
Click the Edit Integration button that appears.
The Create Integrations pop up window will allow you to enter your custom Relationship Key. The example Relationship Key here is the SCAC* field. Click SAVE, and the next time that Network Shipper requests a rate, it will be requested from the API that has just been set up.
You can view which of your Network Shippers you have an Active Integration with in the table. If it is blank, you do not have an Active Integration with that shipper.
Mouse over the i in the circle to confirm that the Active Integration is set for Rating. You will also be able to confirm your Relationship Key in the pop up window. If the SCAC is incorrect, simply follow steps 2 and 3 to update it.