Table Of Contents
I was invited to an RFP event, why can't I see it in the Emerge platform?
How do I update the point of contact for an event?
Why is the 'Lanes' tab grayed out?
Why am I receiving an error message when uploading my bids?
Do I have to re-upload my bid from the round 1 event to the round 2 event?
Can I use the same file I used for the round 1 event for the round 2 event?
How do Multi-Round Events work?
I was invited to an RFP event, why can't I see it in the Emerge platform?
There are multiple reasons that may not be seeing the RFP event. Below are the four common reasons:
The bidding window has not opened
If you don't see your event available for bidding, it may be in a different stage. An RFP Event can appear on your dashboard in different sections:- Upcoming Events: The RFP event has been created by the Shipper but the bidding window is not open. Click into the event to see if any action is required prior to bidding
- Bidding Open: RFP Events in 'Bidding Open' indicate you can submit bids on lanes
- Bids under review: The bidding window has closed and the Shipper is reviewing all bids to award
- Award response required: Awards have been issued and require attention (accept or reject).
The shipper removed you as a participant to the event.
- Reach out to the Shipper directly for additional information
The email address you are currently logged in with was not the email address account invited to the event.
Verify that the email address that received the RFP invite is the one you are currently logged into Emerge with in order to view the event - The invite you have received was for becoming a Network Partner, not the invite to the RFP event . Network partner invitations are different from RFP event invitations. Both are required to participate in an RFP event. The network partner invitation connects you to your shipper in the portal. The RFP event invitation grants you access to the RFP event itself. Please see the screenshots below for a reference of the invitation emails.
Network Partner Email Invitation
The RFP Event Email Invitation:
How do I update the point of contact for an event?
Shippers determine who is invited to their events. If you are taking over for a coworker or updating the POC for an event, you will need to reach out and inform the shipper of this change. The shipper can then choose to add the new point of contact to the RFP event.
How do I complete the RFI?
You will have to complete the RFI prior to viewing the event. When you first select on the event window will pop up with the questionnaire, you need to fill out or document you need to sign. If you have completed that you will see the 'Start RFI Response' button grayed out.
Why is the 'Lanes' tab grayed out?
For some events you will need to accept the lane instructions to view the lanes. These can be found under the event details. There is an Accept Instructions button on the top of the page.
Why am I receiving an error message when uploading my bids?
Most issues with uploading your bid comes from data entry or formatting errors. Please see Troubleshooting Errors When Uploading Bids for common errors and how to resolve them.
Do I have to re-upload my bid from the round 1 event to the round 2 event?
Yes, you will need to reupload your bid. Each event is separate and your bid will not transfer over.
Can I use the same file I used for the round 1 event for the round 2 event?
It depends. Shippers may make changes to the lanes or add additional details. It is recommended that you download the round 2 lanes file and check the changes made.
How do I see feedback?
Not all events will have bid feedback available. When it is available, it will be under the Lanes tab. The bid feed back will be on the table showing the lanes. If you download the lanes, it will show the bid feedback.
Where do I find the awards?
If you are awarded lanes the Award tab will show up under the event. This tab will show all of the lanes you were awarded. You can accept or reject the awards here.
How do Multi-Round Events work?
If a Shipper wants to include multiple rounds in their RFP event, carriers can be invited to any new rounds and bid the same way they normally would.
How do I know if there are multiple rounds?
- In App - To see if an RFP event has multiple rounds, go to the 'Events' tab on the left side panel, locate the RFP event name, and check the 'Current Round' column. The total number of rounds created by the Shipper at that time will be noted there (Ex. "1 of 2", "2 of 2", etc.).
- If you are invited to post-Round 1 rounds, the event name will be reflect which round (i.e "Shipper 1 has invited you to join the Annual RFP Round 2 event")
Can I be invited to Round 1 but future rounds (ex. Round 2)?
- Yes the shipper controls the event participants between each round. Just like with events today, the shipper may decide to remove a participant from an event. This can also occur in Multi-Round. Upon configuring their next round, they may modify the participants who are invited to the event, causing some to be removed between rounds.
Can I access my previous round data?
- Given the participant was invited to Round 1, when Round 2 is published then they will still be able to access Round 1 and all their lane data via the UI. They can click “Round 1” from the event side menu and expand the sections.