Shippers can easily create quotes for capacity providers to bid on in the Emerge TMS Platform. By leveraging key features like Rate Pulse, AutoBook and Dynamic Book It Now, Shippers can optimize and automate their pricing.
Build your Quote by adding the following:
- Create A Quote
- Recents and Templates
- Equipment
- Stops
- Commodity
- Quote Details
- Quote Preferences
- Finalizing Quote
Create A Quote
- Click
at the top-left of your screen
- In the dropdown list, click
Recents and Templates
Optional: If you've created or saved a Quote in the past, you can get a auto-fill some fields on your new Quote by clicking .
- Recent Quotes: List of recent quotes created. You can click 🔍 to search for a past Quote
Quote Templates: Click the Quote Templates tab to access any templates you've saved.
Create: To create a template, click
at the bottom of the Quote Creation page. Once clicked, you'll be asked to name your template and decide what notes and tags you want saved in the template.
- Delete: To delete a template, go to your list of Quote Templates and hover over the template you want to delete and click the trash can icon.
Duplicate/Edit: To duplicate a template, open up an existing template and make your changes. When done, click
and name your new template.
- Note: Editing current templates is not available at this time. If you want to edit an existing template, you can re-save a current template then delete the original template.
Create: To create a template, click
- Select Full Truckload or Volume/Partial Truckload
- Select your Equipment's Type and Length
- Include any Accessorials by clicking ⨁ Add Accessorial
- Add details to each stop in your shipment
- If needed, add a Reference Number by clicking ⨁ Add Ref. Number
- Change the order of the Stops by clicking ⮃Swap
- Adding Additional Stops
- Add as many stops as needed to your quote by clicking ⨁ Add Stop
- Change the order of Stops by clicking ⭡Move Up or ⭣Move Down
- Add the Commodity/Commodities and its details for the shipment
- If there are multiple commodities, click ⨁ Add Another Commodity
Quote Details
- Quote Watchers: By adding your team members as a Quote Watcher, they will receive email updates on new lowest options, bid duration ending, and book it now
- Tags: Use Tags to identify accessorial, reference numbers, and other important details. Tags are displayed at the top of the load details for your partners. You can add multiple tags by selecting 'Enter'
- If needed, add a Reference Number by clicking ⨁ Add Ref. Number
- By toggling Tracking Required to 'On', the carrier will be required to set up tracking prior to the shipment
- By toggling Hot Load to 'On', the shipment will reflect as a Hot Load in the Carrier platform
Quote Preferences
Quote Preferences can be found on the right hand side of the Quote Creation page
Contract Lane Match
If a Shipper creates or duplicates a quote that matches on a contract lane, the lane will automatically populate in the Quote Preferences panel with Contract Automation features
- AutoBook to Contract Rate: If turned on, your contract partners will receive tenders in the sequence outlined in your Contract Lanes. If you have a specified response timeframe for your partners, the tender will be auto-rejected in waterfall. You will still be able to manually tender to contract rates when Auto-book is disabled.
Open to Spot if all tenders rejected: If turned on, this will trigger to reopen with Spot configurations (outlined in the remaining fields in Quote Preferences) after all tenders have been rejected. When disabled, the quote can be manually reopened later.
Change default settings - To change the default setting of this to 'On' or 'Off', go to Settings > Contract Automation Preferences > AUTO-REOPEN TO SPOT IF ALL TENDERS REJECTED SETTINGS. There are two default settings you can configure if a contract lane matches on a new or duplicated quotes.
- Reopen to Spot Market if all tenders rejected
- Invite Remaining Network when quote auto-reopens
Change default settings - To change the default setting of this to 'On' or 'Off', go to Settings > Contract Automation Preferences > AUTO-REOPEN TO SPOT IF ALL TENDERS REJECTED SETTINGS. There are two default settings you can configure if a contract lane matches on a new or duplicated quotes.
Rate Pulse Spot Estimate
- Rate Pulse informs Shippers of the estimated market rate for a spot quote immediately upon quote creation, leveraging market and historical data from trusted sources and actual awards on the lane. See Rate Pulse FAQ for more.
Invite Network Partners
Notify and give access to the shipment to your Network Partners
- Select All Now to send a notification when the quote is created
- Select Later to send the notification yourself manually in the Quote Details page at a later time
Bid Duration
- Select the duration of time that bids will be accepted. Choose from pre-selected durations or click Custom to set your own.
Dynamic Book It Now (DBIN)
DBIN enables an instant booking option for select Carriers, while giving Shipper the ability to capture the best price to move their shipment without having to manually adjust their rates over time.
- Click '# Partners' in the gray box to view qualifying Autobook Partners for your specific quote
Using Rate Pulse, Shippers can set a Start and End (ceiling) rate for their shipment and over the Bid Duration window, the rate will automatically increment. To set the start and end rate, click Edit Ranges
- To add or remove AutoBook partners, see Add Auto Book Partners
- By toggling AutoBook to lowest bid to 'On', the shipment will be awarded to the lowest bidder when the Bid Duration has expired.
Finalizing Quote
When you are done configuring your quote, click the Create Quote button to continue. Once clicked, our Emerge AI tool will automatically check for suggestions.
Emerge Quote AI Suggestions
Before finalizing your quote, our AI tool will check for ways you can optimize your quote.
- If any suggestions are found, you can click Update or Ignore after each suggestion.
- Once you've responded to each suggestion, click Save to continue
- If you used a template to create your quote and clicked 'Update' to any suggestions, you will have the option to check a box to "Update template fields for future use"
Quote Not Saving?
If you are clicking Create Quote and it's not finalizing successfully, scroll up to see if there are any required fields that were not inputted.